Why select the vines?
- 22 February 2012
- Last Updated: 03 May 2012
- Hits: 4603
This section is intended for people who want to learn.
Why select the vines?
You taste a grape and it looks good? yes but once fermented what will become of aromas, what type of fermentation will be better, can still improve. A selector must know which are the vines to be harvested and the right time to do this, he must also properly organize the harvest.
The knowledge of a selector
Have a strong background in agronomy and physiology of the vine, interpretmeteorological data, concepts in geology and soil science, learn as much as a goodwinemaker on different methods of fermentation and especially how to learn. Ie know where to collect relevant data, assess its needs, clearly synthesize that knowledge to be able to learn and synthesize them to wine growers.
80% of the work is to synthesize and justify your choice with professionals or winegrowers. If you tend to take you to the center of the world, if your choices are final, if you prefer to manipulate rather than convincing, if you no longer desire to learn, so do not point in this discipline. You will not be effective and there will be too many tensions in the long run that will harm your health.
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