Terra Vitis: sustainable viticulture
- 05 April 2012
- Last Updated: 28 October 2013
- Hits: 8878
Pdf documents for download (only in French): specifications Terra Vitis 2013, how to become a member Terra Vitis 2013
Maintaining sustainable agriculture through respect of the production tool. Taking into account the agricultural production process, the impact of practices on the environment, it is possible to work to reduce this impact and so protect the environment, the Terroir. TerraVitis® sets the framework and the application of rules that seek to nullify the impact of agricultural practices on the environment as part of its technical reference.

Sustainable development in viticulture
Terra Vitis is a "1901 association" created in 1998 to publicize and recognize the concept of Sustainable Wine Production to business partners and consumers, to offer serious guarantees by the application of technical specifications, and to offer consumers wines made from grapes grown in Sustainable production.
The National Federation Terra Vitis (FNTV) includes five local associations in 2013,affecting the winegrowers from different departments :
- Terra Vitis Burgundy Beaujolais (Rhône, Loire, Côte d'Or and Saône-et-Loire)
- Terra Vitis Loire (Loir et Cher, Indre-et-Loire, Loiret, Maine-et-Loire, Loire-Atlantique, Vendée)
- Terra Vitis Bordeaux (Gironde)
- Terra Vitis Champagne Vineyard (Aube)
- Terra Vitis Rhone - Mediterranean (Hérault, Aude, Gard, Pyrenees Orientales,Languedoc-Roussillon, Drôme, Vaucluse, Var, Tarn, Tarn et Garonne, Haute Garonne,Var)
The National Federation ® Terra Vitis, which brought together 498 wine producers on all these areas in 2012 is led by Jean-Henri Soumireu employee of the Chamber of Agriculture of Rhone.
Terra Vitis® : To a sustainable viticulture
In 2009, after 10 years of practice of viticulture, wine producers Terra Vitis ® have wanted to go further by including in their approach and their technical reference some new elements: management of water resources and air management and biodiversity, management of soil resources and management of energy resources. This framework, established in 2009, integrates the three components of the definition ofSustainable Viticulture: economic, technical and social.
Terra Vitis ®, a networking between wine technicians
Terra Vitis ® is 15 Chambers of Agriculture partners with network technicians work oninnovative topics allowing for open discussions on topics as diverse as managementspecifications, knowledge of pesticides, development of the Board plant , the conduct ofaudit and the creation and management of traceability.
Terra Vitis ® can anticipate the establishment of certain regulations : requirement for traceability, hygiene package, HACCP, local plant, "certiphyto", and HVE certification. Terra Vitis ® is today the national benchmark in terms of sustainable viticulture, independent from supermarkets and distributors phytosanitary products. This is the best answer to a competiitive modern agriculture, safe and offering quality products. This is an example of successfull work between a network of technicians and Chambers of Agriculture.
Terra Vitis® development prospects in 2012
- Creation, with the Chamber of Agriculture of Aube, an association Terra Vitis ® Champagne whose General Constitutive Meeting was held February 20, 2012.
- In this framework the general methodology Terra Vitis ® is transferred to the technical services of the Chamber of Agriculture of Aube.
- Obtaining equivalence level 2 at the HVE (High Environmental Value), except for Champagne who will do it in 2013.
- Terra Vitis winemakers who have obtained the right to use the brand Terra Vitis can therefore communicate on the equivalence at level 2 of environmental certification.
- The commitment of a reflection with a consulting firm to work on the communication strategy of Terra Vitis: an action plan 2012-2015 to develop awareness of Terra Vitis began on May 30. Three priority areas were identified: Build a new solid argument, provide the members of effective communication materials and training to spread the message Terra Vitis. A new logo is being validated. New media to enable members to better communicate the process will be available in early 2013.

Bernard Mathieu, first président Terra Vitis : President for 6 years of Terra Vitis Beaujolais Burgundy (01/1999 to 01/2005), and 1st President of the National Federation from 2002 to 2005