Make an advertisement for wine tourism
- 12 September 2012
- Last Updated: 10 December 2012
- Hits: 5449 Satisfy the curiosity of wine tourists
Today, at the request of many visitors, offers wineries addresses that have activities related to wine tourism.
Free, from your description and some photos, the website will post a page dedicated to your winery. This page will drastically increase the number of visitors on your website and present your skills (translated into French, links and social media integrated into the page). For examples:
Illustration by two screenshots at random:

You have the same pages translated into French
If you are interested send your documents to this address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., you will receive an email confirming receipt, the maximum in the day. You will be given a date to check the page and allow its online.
Steps to an article on presents only wineries that put the quality of their vineyards and their wines (environmental, sustainable development etc.). before their activities related to wine tourism
There is no limit, but if the page is too long it will not be read. I suggest you paragraphs indicating:
Not mere copies
Important: Do not simply copy / paste information from your website, the page will not properly referenced and will not return visitors.
Text of the article
Note: No need to think too much about the form of text, I'll probably resume to highlight the important keywords (wine tourism + nameofyourwinery)
Quickly spread your information to more visits
The page contains all thesocial Media common and an opportunity to comment. The page will be displayed on the home page and also to (in French) oenotourisme and wine tourism).
You are master of the informations published
Before putting it online, a confirmation email will be sent. Without your consent the page will be viewable only by you (with a login name and PW). After the online you can modify it yourself by logging to the website. If you encounter difficulties contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Diffusion de la page
If you take the time to spread the page (by email or social media), take over quickly for even more impact: the website broadcast its articles in more than 10 social media in English and French.
The promotion of your pages (English and French) in the social network of is not done automatically. The owner must broadcast at least once on social media (Facebook, email, Twitter, Google+, blog etc..) Analysis tools will detect this first release: At this time your 2 pages are widely reported and disseminated on the network
Why not make available an automatic module to achieve our own page (such as classified ads)?
Voici les principales raisons:
- adapte vos photos (ajout d'effets qui attire l'oeil, effet lightbox et commentaires pour le référencement) et éventuellement les améliore;
- Resume of all the text to optimize the referencing of the words: wine tourism + nameofyourwinery;
- Pages automatically created with an editor are almost never well referenced here they will be written in code html-css;
- Your page should not be similar to other farms (although there is a certain unity due to the graphic style of the site;
- Share pages on social media
- It is a single page and not a part of main page referenced under the website name.